Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Charcoal Value Drawing

I think that it was easier for me to draw the metal can than drawing the leaves of the plant. I think that sometimes the lighting had changed so it was difficult for me to draw the lighting on the leaves accurately. Also, the wrench was definitely the hardest part of the drawing because of the plant's angle. The wrench was placed between the stems of some of the leaves but I didn't have a side angle of the wrench so it was really difficult for me to represent it accurately. However, it was a lot easier for me to consider the lighting of the can because it was more direct and didn't vary as much as the plant. I enjoyed trying to draw the leaves of the plant because although the lighting was a lot more difficult to draw, it was enjoyable because there were varied parts of the leaf. I wish I could have emphasized more on the lighting of the leaves. Overall, I definitely think that this was a great experience because I was more concerned about the value of the whole drawing.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Still Life Value Digital Photographs


Which photograph is the most evocative? Define evocative. Refer directly to the formal elements of the image & the relationship between object and nature. 
Evocative is often defined as suggesting or invoking a certain emotion or even a memory as an image. In my opinion, the third photograph is the most evocative. In this image, there is a clear relationship between the object and nature. Nature is represented by the rough, rigid turns of an old tree bark, whereas, the complete object isn't shown, but there is a part of the object that is shown in the photograph. I think that the main relationship between the metal canister and nature in this photograph is the sense that the object is slightly hovering the natural bark, which also creates a darker value in the part of the bark below the object.

Which photograph allows for the full value scale?
The second photograph allows for the full value scale because there are a variety of grays and the lighter white is represented by the reflective surface of the canister. 

Given these images and insights, what exactly will you be looking to capture in your black & white images?
I think that I could have tried to find a photograph that had captured the value scale better. I think that after experimenting with the digital photography, I realized that on the day when there was sunlight, it made my photograph more intriguing because I would be able to play with using the sunlight to evoke a certain aspect of my object in nature. I am definitely planning on capturing a wide value scale through using sunlight more creatively.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Texture Collage & Sculpture

Texture Collage 

Texture Sculpture

Reflection Questions:
I think that my collection of textures were definitely varied in my collage. However, I was unable to find enough different types of textures for my sculpture. I think that my collage was varied in textures because I had combined rubbings that were the artificial patterns of the picnic tables along with the natural elements of a tree bark and the moss growing on the side of a tree. In my collage, I had spent a lot of time on trying to successfully juxtapose the rigid and exact patterns with a more natural, flowing pattern of the tree bark. I had tried to cut out certain parts of the picnic table pattern to reveal different types of textures underneath this pattern. I then cut out two strips and connected it from the picnic table pattern slanted in the same direction as the tree bark, which I think has successfully created a movement from a systematic pattern to another specific direction of the tree bark. In the sculpture, I had wanted to replicate the sense of movement between a more natural-like material (the burlap) and the more artificial object (the fish net). I had played around with the burlap by trying to pull apart certain parts creating frays which were indicating a movement towards the fish net. I had folded together a certain part of the fish net and showed that it was progressing to being unfolded to also imply a sense of texture throughout the sculpture. I think that I definitely pushed myself to refine my work on my collage, however, now that I am looking back, I think that I could have reworked my sculpture to have a cleaner and organized finish. I definitely think that my sculpture and collage are closely intertwined. They both display a sense of texture and different, contrasting materials are connected by a sense of motion. Also, I had a collage that was more filled with different textures; whereas, my sculpture also contrasted my collage because there are less textures but different overlaps and juxtaposed in more different ways.