Friday, April 5, 2013

Value Interim Reflection - Drawing

I am trying to evoke the different shades of my object's lighting through value. There is both a slight bit of natural light as well as the light from the spot light that shines on the object. I am also trying to use different shades of grey to contrast the folds of the fabric as well as the different lighting of the object. By having certain dark parts in my drawing as well as lighter, fading shades of grey, I am trying to evoke a sense of dimensionality in my drawing. I think I have been really focusing on creating parts of my drawing with extremely dark shades, however, I think that I should focus on starting to create the "medium grey" shades in my drawing. If I were to offer advice to someone who was about to start the drawing for this project, I would definitely recommend experimenting with the style and organization of the fabric surrounding your object. I have certain folds and curves in the fabric that are very intriguing and I definitely enjoy trying to experiment and figure out the exact shade that would be necessary for the fabric. I would also recommend playing around with the natural lighting and the spotlight. I have an object with a reflective surface, so the lighting definitely makes my drawing a lot more interesting and fun to work with because it creates a challenge for me to be able to blend the different shades of grey together in order to create a spectrum of grey values.

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