Thursday, March 7, 2013

Texture Collage & Sculpture

Texture Collage 

Texture Sculpture

Reflection Questions:
I think that my collection of textures were definitely varied in my collage. However, I was unable to find enough different types of textures for my sculpture. I think that my collage was varied in textures because I had combined rubbings that were the artificial patterns of the picnic tables along with the natural elements of a tree bark and the moss growing on the side of a tree. In my collage, I had spent a lot of time on trying to successfully juxtapose the rigid and exact patterns with a more natural, flowing pattern of the tree bark. I had tried to cut out certain parts of the picnic table pattern to reveal different types of textures underneath this pattern. I then cut out two strips and connected it from the picnic table pattern slanted in the same direction as the tree bark, which I think has successfully created a movement from a systematic pattern to another specific direction of the tree bark. In the sculpture, I had wanted to replicate the sense of movement between a more natural-like material (the burlap) and the more artificial object (the fish net). I had played around with the burlap by trying to pull apart certain parts creating frays which were indicating a movement towards the fish net. I had folded together a certain part of the fish net and showed that it was progressing to being unfolded to also imply a sense of texture throughout the sculpture. I think that I definitely pushed myself to refine my work on my collage, however, now that I am looking back, I think that I could have reworked my sculpture to have a cleaner and organized finish. I definitely think that my sculpture and collage are closely intertwined. They both display a sense of texture and different, contrasting materials are connected by a sense of motion. Also, I had a collage that was more filled with different textures; whereas, my sculpture also contrasted my collage because there are less textures but different overlaps and juxtaposed in more different ways.

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